Rituals of the Sikerei

One hundred and fifty kilometers off the coast of Western Sumatra, deep in the jungle of the Mentawai Islands, lives a tribe known as the Mentawai people. They believe every living being has a soul, which makes them intimately connected to the spirits of the forest and the energies that are exchanged by resonating with it. At the heart of this spiritual community are the Sikerei, shamans who perform important rituals and ceremonies. They are the mediators between the human realm and the supernatural forces they believe govern it, having an essential role for the tribe. The training of the shamans is intense, often starting from a young age, involving the arts of healing, divination and communication with the spirit world.

Sikerei rituals are complex, involving profound spiritual knowledge, intricate ceremonies, and often animal offerings that ensure harmony between humans and deities. Every practice serves a different purpose for the Mentawai people, and the ‘Sikerei Dance’ is regarded as one of the most important. In this mesmerizing performance, the shamans channel the spirits by dancing while entering a trance-like state. This ritual is elevated by rhythmic drumming and chanting, creating a powerful spiritual connection that renews the energy flowing within the community.


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